Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kenshi clash - September 2011

Kenshi clash - September 2011 On YouTube.

So I went undefeated through the qualifying rounds, and top 8 And just my luck .. I go against Belicoff Night Wolf is my first fight. It 'was an epic battle that has played most of the tournament. You'll see that it was the last shot, and my batch EX spirit (which would kill him against his former Laden shoulder) is done at boot images. A split second before and I ... If you did not break ... Once a loser, I propose a smoke with Quan. And then I wentagainst Ermac. I'm pretty disappointed with how this play. He loved to teleport, and I punished for it. Once you could not do, I had stuck with all hell zoning. Everything was going my way, and then ... I stopped. I thought it was checked, and I got greedy. He tried to jump and play for the combo to close. I know better than to do against Ermac. I basically just handed him the game my tactics for any reason. I do not know why I did it. Sorry, guys. WellMessage is, before you Belicoff Place, was struggling to recover and win by losing in the final. So warm congratulations to my good friend. Edit: So if my last video shown as (2 1 meetings, juggles corner bar with d4 TK back2 overall costs for their fear of low start-up, etc. .. use) to use up Kenshi This should show up close, as Kenshi used as a Zoner. After this tournament, and my inability to properly use it up close, I'm really Kenshi Zoner considered very strong. From here on out...

Tags: Kenshi, tournament, mortal, kombat, mk9

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